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Welcome to Shirtsmockup Terms of Service: An Easy Guide

Hello, and thanks for joining us at Shirtsmockup! We're part of TojoGraphics LLC, found at 30 N Gould St Ste R, Sheridan, WY, 82801, USA. If you hear "," "we," "us," or "our," that's who we're talking about. When we say "you" or "your," we mean you, the person reading this, or the company you represent if you're here on business.

Before we get into the details, we want to ensure you know that you agree to these Terms of Use by using our Website, Platform, or Services. This includes all the extra bits and pieces we may refer to, like our Privacy Policy and any licensing terms.

You agree to these terms, so ensure you agree with them

When you use our Website, Platform, or Services, you're saying "yes" to everything written here. If there's anything you don't understand or agree with, please stop using our services and contact us at [email protected]for clarification before proceeding.

Understanding Our Terms

We've divided our Terms of Service into two parts to make things easier to understand. But remember, they all apply to you:

  • Part A: The basics that everyone needs to follow.
  • Part B: Guidelines for Affiliates who help spread the word about us.

Part A – Basic Terms for Everyone

Key Definitions

Here are some terms you'll see around here:

  • Affiliate: A Member who promotes our Platform and gets new customers to join.
  • Creative Store Item: Things like mockups, templates, and other digital goods Authors upload for you to use.
  • Mockup: A particular file you can use to put your images on top of something else to see how it looks.
  • Platform: This includes our website and any apps or features we offer.
  • PNG Image: A type of image file you can use in your projects.
  • Preview: A sneak peek of a product, showing what it looks like and other helpful info.
  • Service: Everything we do to make our products available through our Platform.
  • Website: You can find us online at  

To make these Terms easier to follow, we've aimed for simplicity and clarity. We hope this helps you understand your rights and obligations while maximizing Shirtsmockup. Welcome aboard, and here's to creating something unique together!


Shirtsmockup Terms of Service: Simplified Version

Changes to Terms

We sometimes update these terms and post the new ones on our site here: Shirtsmockup Terms. If you've signed up for emails from us, we'll also send you a note about any changes unless you've chosen not to get emails from us. By continuing to use Shirtsmockup, you're saying you're okay with the updated terms. Make sure you're right with the changes before you use Shirtsmockup. If not, you're free to close your account at any time. But if you keep using Shirtsmockup, you will accept the new terms.

Who Can Use Our Service

Shirtsmockup is built for people worldwide but mainly for those in the USA. If you're in a place where using Shirtsmockup goes against local rules (because of where you live or for other reasons), please don't use it. We can't promise that Shirtsmockup meets the regulations or is available outside the USA. If you decide to use Shirtsmockup from somewhere else, that's on you, and you need to make sure it's okay based on your local laws.

Age Requirements

Shirtsmockup isn't for kids. You need to be the age of majority in your place (like 18 in many places) to use our services. If you're under that age, your parent or guardian must agree to these terms and help you sign up.

Internet Access

You need the internet to get to Shirtsmockup, and any internet costs are up to you.

Intellectual Property Rights

About Our Materials and Products

Copyright laws protect everything on Shirtsmockup from the USA and other countries. We own or have the rights to everything related to Shirtsmockup, including all products and materials. When you use Shirtsmockup, you're not getting ownership of any of it; you're just allowed to use it as we describe here and in Part A of these Terms. Some products belong to the people who made them, but we help share their work through our service.

Using Shirtsmockup Stuff

We're permitting you (a license) to use Shirtsmockup in specific ways. We'll tell you more about how to use it in the next part.

Other People's Stuff

You'll also see stuff owned by other people on Shirtsmockup, like trademarks and logos. Those belong to them, not us, and they're also protected by copyright and trademark laws. You can't use any of that without permission from the owner.

Our Trademarks

"Shirtsmockup" and any other trademarks, logos, or slogans you see with us are ours. Please don't use them without asking us first.

We've tried to make these terms easier to understand, but if you have questions, ask!

Simplified Guidelines for Using Products and Materials

What You Can Do

Welcome to our Platform! We're excited to offer you various services, but we were hoping you could follow a few rules about using our content.

  • Browsing: Everyone can check out our Previews, whether you're a member or just visiting. This gives you a glimpse into what we offer before you join us or download anything.
  • Downloading: If you're a member, congratulations! You have the perk of purchasing and downloading our Products. Remember, your membership and License terms guide what you can do with these downloads.
  • Sharing: If you're an author or creator, you can use our Platform to share your creations with other members. It's a great way to get your work out there!

Rules for Non-Members

If you're not a member yet, here's what you need to know about using our Previews:

  • You can look at previews through our Platform as we intended. This means you can view them to see if you want to become a member or to learn something new.
  • When using Previews, please do so for your personal use, without making money from them, and always respecting our rules.

What's Not Allowed

We have a few essential no-nos regarding our Previews, Products, and Materials:

  • No Downloading Without Permission: Unless we provide a clear "download" button, please don't download or try to get our content through other means.
  • No Copying or Sharing: Simply put, don't copy, share, sell, or distribute our Previews, Products, or Materials without our okay. This includes no making videos, audio remixes, or creating anything new from our content unless we've given you the green light in writing.
  • Stay Legal: Please don't mess with any copyright notices, security features, or restrictions we have on our content. Even if your local laws say it's okay, you agree not to engage in these activities using our Platform.

Your Agreement With Us

By using our Platform and its content, you're agreeing to these guidelines. You understand that even if your local laws might allow specific uses, by accessing our content, you accept our rules.

We hope that helps make things more straightforward! Enjoy exploring what we offer, and thank you for respecting these guidelines.

Acceptable Use Policy

Welcome to our community! We're excited to offer you access to our website and services. To ensure a positive and lawful experience for everyone, we ask that you follow a few simple rules:

What You Should Do

  • Use our service for its intended purpose: Enjoy our website, Platform, and services responsibly and within the scope of their intended use.
  • Respect others' rights: Ensure your activities don't infringe on others' intellectual property or personal rights.
  • Stay truthful: Provide accurate information about yourself and avoid impersonating others.

What You Should Not Do

Unfortunately, we can't list every single do and don't, but here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • No Illegal Behavior: Don't use our service for anything that breaks the law or encourages others to do so.
  • Respect Our Community: Don't do anything that could harm our services or reputation or put us at legal or regulatory risk.
  • Be Careful With Access: Don't try to access our service using unauthorized means (like hacking or bypassing restrictions).
  • Don't Spread Harm: Avoid uploading viruses or malware that could damage or disrupt our service.
  • Respect Our Digital Home: Don't overload our systems or try to hack into restricted areas.
  • No Unapproved Advertising: Please don't use our service to promote other services without our explicit written permission.
  • Privacy is Key: Follow our Privacy Policy and don't collect information from others without permission.
  • Follow the Rules: Make sure your use of our service doesn't violate these terms or any specific guidelines we've set.

Using Our Service

Setting up fake accounts, bypassing content protections, creating misleadingly similar websites, privately contacting members to circumvent our service, using bots or scrapers not provided by us, and modifying or blocking service ads are all examples of what not to do.

Remember, using our products means agreeing to these terms, including purchasing with the correct licenses and not interfering with others' enjoyment of the service.

Thanks for helping us create a safe, enjoyable, and lawful community. If you have any questions about these guidelines, don't hesitate to reach out. Happy browsing!


We want to ensure everyone uses our Platform, services, and products responsibly and per our rules. If someone isn't following these rules, we might have to close their account or stop them from accessing the Platform. If this happens, we ask that you immediately stop trying to use or access our offerings. Additionally, make sure not to try to get around any restrictions we've put in place.

We're also committed to keeping our Platform safe, but we might need to report any misuse to the proper authorities. Plus, if necessary, we may share information about the misappropriation with those authorities to help address the issue. Our main goal is to ensure a respectful and safe environment for all our users.


Simplified Terms of Use for User Content

We're excited to have you share your thoughts, reviews, comments, and other creations (collectively, "User Content") with our community and us! Before you leap into posting, here's a quick guide to make sure we're all on the same page:

Sharing Your Content

  • Where You Can Share: You can post your User Content directly on our Platform. Sometimes, we might use a third-party service to host these posts; if that's the case, their rules will also apply. We'll give you a heads-up!
  • Keep It Relevant: We love seeing your content, especially about our products or services! Please ensure your posts are directly related and helpful to the community.
  • Be Respectful: Everyone's here to have a good time and learn something new. Please avoid posting anything seen as harmful, offensive, or illegal. If it's something you wouldn't show in a professional setting, it's probably best not to share it here.
  • Stay True to You: Impersonating someone else isn't cool. Be yourself, and share your genuine experiences and thoughts.
  • Think Before You Share Personal Info: Be mindful about posting sensitive personal information like your contact details. Check out our Privacy Policy ( to know how we handle the info you share with us and the world.

Your Rights and Responsibilities

  • You Own Your Content: By sharing your User Content, you're not giving up any ownership rights. What's yours stays yours.
  • Permission is Key: If you're sharing something you didn't create, ensure you have permission from the original creator.
  • Licensing to Us: When you post User Content, you give us the green light to share, adapt, and showcase it across our Platform and beyond. This ensures our community can fully appreciate your contributions and doesn't tie your hands or ours.
  • Respecting Others: Make sure your content doesn't step on anyone else's rights, and you're ready to cover any fees that might come up if it does.
  • We Support Creativity: We're all about celebrating and supporting your creativity. If there's any claim against your content, we might have to remove it, but we'll always aim to notify you and address concerns fairly.

It's a Two-Way Street

We don't want to get tangled in legal misunderstandings like you. Our goal is to maintain a platform where everyone feels welcome and valued. Your participation means you're on board with these simplified terms, designed to ensure a positive and creative environment for all.

Here's to building something great together - happy posting!

While we strive to ensure the content users share is lawful, accurate, and suitable, we cannot guarantee that all User-Generated Content will meet these standards. Consequently, you might encounter content that you find offensive, illegal, misleading, or not up to par. It's important to note that we do not support any content that doesn't align with our views or guidelines. We also want to clarify that we are not responsible for any User-Generated Content nor any actions taken (or not taken) in response to such content. By using our Platform, you agree not to hold us liable for any issues arising from User-Generated Content.

If you encounter any content that violates these principles, please don't hesitate to inform us at [email protected]. Remember, the responsibility for any user-posted content rests with the individual who posted it, regardless of whether we choose to moderate it.


Terms of Use Highlights

Community Respect & Privacy:

Our members' privacy is a top priority. This means no collection of fellow members' info without their consent — that includes email addresses or any other personal data via scraping or any automated tool.

Promotions & Communication:

We love the enthusiasm, but there's a proper place and way. Please refrain from unsolicited promo blasts, spam, or bulk unsolicited messages within our member areas. And, if you're into sharing user-generated content, remember consent is vital.

Unsolicited Messages – The Cost:

If unsolicited messages are found to our members through you, know it hits us hard. Not just in spirit but operationally. Hence, each unsolicited message will cost you $150 as a fair estimate of the trouble caused. Found not following these rules? Expect a formal notice, and be prepared to cover the dues. Ignoring this could lead to restricted access or even a goodbye to our services and Platform.

Looking to Advertise?:

Do something to share that you believe our members will love. Reach out directly to [email protected]for advertising inquiries.

Our Relationship with You:

, our connection doesn't make us business partners, joint adventurers, or employers. When we step into the arena on behalf of an Author, it's strictly to showcase products and facilitate transactions—no hidden strings attached.

Handling Disputes:

Your interactions with other members? They're for you to manage. While we hope for harmony, should disputes arise, navigating and resolving them is on you. We'll keep an eye out, but stepping in isn't guaranteed.

Personal Information & Privacy Policy:

Are you curious about how we handle your data? Our Privacy Policy lays it all out, forming part of these Terms. By sticking around, you're saying a big 'yes' to how we manage personal information, as detailed in privacy-policy.  

Staying in Touch:

Emails are our go-to for chats and updates. Ensure your email is up to date so you do not miss out. Not in your inbox? Maybe check that spam folder. Can't find our emails? We're clear of responsibility for missed memos, but we're here to help ensure smooth communication.

By being here, you agree to these terms. Let's keep our space respectful and innovative!


Simplified Terms of Use and Disclaimer

Exploring Beyond Our Site

We're all about helping you discover new things, so we sometimes provide links to other websites we think you might find interesting. Remember, these links are just for your convenience and curiosity. We don't control those other websites, meaning we can't guarantee the stuff they post – whether it's advice, opinions, or anything else – is accurate or reliable. When you visit these third-party sites, you're stepping into their world, and our terms won't protect you there.

Navigating to New Destinations

Our rules and protections apply to using our website, Platform, and services only. You're alone if you venture into other websites we link to (or from). It's not always obvious when you're leaving our space and heading into someone else's, so we encourage you always to check out the rules and privacy policies of any site you visit. Being informed before sharing your info or making deals with other sites.

What We Can't Do

Even if you found another website through a link, came to us from another site, or stumbled upon a site connected to us, we can't take responsibility for what you'll find there. This includes accurate or legal things, such as their content or how they handle privacy.

We also can't be held accountable for any ads or products from third-party vendors that appear on our site. Any business deals or disputes you have with advertisers you found through our Platform are between you and them – we're not involved.

Linking Rules

If you want to share something from our Platform on other sites, please link to the full page where the content lives, not directly to the media file. Avoid tactics that make our content appear as part of another site or surrounded by content that is not from us. We have the right to ask you to remove links to our site if needed.

Disclaimer and Keeping It Safe

Use at Your Own Risk

We aim to keep our site and services running smoothly and safely. However, everything we offer is provided "as is," without guaranteeing that it will be perfect or suit every need. We can't promise that our service will be uninterrupted or error-free. In other words, you use our website, Platform, products, and services at your own risk, and we don't offer any explicit guarantees about them.

Please stay safe and informed as you browse and interact with our site and others.


Clarification of User Rights and Responsibilities

Product Disclaimer

Please note that we do not individually verify each Product's consistency, accuracy, or manufacturability. Products can contain errors that may render them unsuitable for their intended purpose. All purchases made are final. By downloading a product, you accept it "as is" and assume all associated risks. We bear no responsibility for any omissions, errors, or defects in the products, regardless of their nature or impact on the Product's usability or safety.

Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, neither we nor any associated parties will be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages resulting from your use or inability to use our website, Platform, service, or any products obtained through us. This includes but is not limited to, damages for loss of profits, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Our total liability to you for all claims arising from your use of our services and products will not exceed the greater of $10.00 or the amount you have paid us for access to and use of our services and products.

User Indemnity Agreement

You agree to indemnify and hold the Y.I. Parties harmless from any liabilities, claims, damages, costs (including reasonable attorney fees), and losses incurred due to your breach of these terms or through your use of our website, Platform, services, or products. This indemnity extends to issues arising from content you have contributed to the Platform. We reserve the right to take over the exclusive defense of any claim for which we are entitled to indemnification under this section. In such cases, you shall provide us with the cooperation we reasonably request.


You must carefully read and understand these terms, as they outline your legal rights and obligations when using our services and products. They highlight the limitations of our liability concerning the products offered and your responsibilities in case of a legal dispute. Your continued use of our services is contingent upon your acceptance of these conditions.


Terms of Service

Updates and Changes

We reserve the right to modify or discontinue our services, platform features, or any products we offer through the Platform at any time without prior notice and without incurring liability. These changes may include but are not limited to, updates to the website's appearance, functionality tweaks, and alterations in our API that may affect how the services or products are delivered through other websites and platforms.

Liability and Indemnity

Authors on our Platform provide each Member who purchases a license for the Author's Product with a limited form of indemnity under the following conditions:

  • If a third party alleges that a Member's use of a product, despite adhering to the license terms, infringes on their intellectual property or other rights and
  • If the Member informs the Author or us promptly about the claim and allows the Author to lead the defense or settlement negotiations (at the Author's expense),

then the Author will cover the Member against any court-awarded damages or agreed settlement amounts concerning that claim.

The possibility of our involvement would be solely in a supportive capacity, representing the Author's interests.

Apart from wilful misrepresentations about a product, an Author's liability to Members will not exceed the amount the Author earned from the sale of the implicated Product.

Notice and Takedown Policy

We respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe your rights have been infringed upon by any product offered through our Platform, please notify us immediately at [email protected] with the following information:

  • A detailed identification of the contested Product.
  • Proof of your ownership or authorized representation of the intellectual property in question.
  • A declaration of your belief, in good faith, that use of the intellectual property has not been confirmed.
  • Your contact information.
  • A sworn statement affirming the accuracy of the provided information and your authorization to file the complaint.

Upon receipt, we will examine each complaint and communicate our decision. Should we determine if any product infringes upon intellectual property rights, we will promptly remove such Product.

For concerns about product appropriateness or legality, we encourage reporting with a rationale for the removal request. Concordant with our findings, we will remove any content deemed unlawful or inappropriate.

Lastly, should we decide against removing a contested product, your recourse will be limited to actions against the originating Member and not against us directly.


Simplified Version for General Understanding:

Flexible Enforcement and Actions Against Violations:

Remember, just because we haven't taken action in some cases when our Terms of Use were violated doesn't mean we won't act in future situations, even if they look similar. Please don't take our silence or inaction as us being okay with the violation or not noticing it. And just because we waived a rule for one person doesn't mean we'll do it for everyone. Sometimes, we might wait before taking action, but that doesn't mean we're giving up our right to do so later. Also, if we do something that seems to go against these terms, it doesn't mean we've changed the rules altogether.

If Some Terms Are Invalid:

If a court finds part of these Terms of Use unreasonable or unenforceable, it doesn't affect the rest of the terms. The part that's not okay will be removed for that specific area where the court said so.

Laws That Apply:

Everything about these Terms of Use is under the laws of British Columbia, Canada, and the federal laws of the USA that apply there. We don't follow the rules from other places.

Your Rights Under Consumer Laws:

You might have other rights under the consumer protection laws where you live, and we're not trying to take those away. If a problem falls under those rights, the people who make our products or we will try to fix it by replacing the Product or covering the cost of the issue.

Solving Problems Without Courts:

We want to solve problems without getting courts involved whenever possible. If you have an issue, please get in touch with us at [email protected]. If we can't solve it casually, you need to formally tell us about it by sending a letter with your details, the issue, and what you think should be done to fix it. Please send it to our address in Vancouver, BC, with an email copy. We promise to look into it and get back to you quickly.


This version simplifies the original legalese into more understandable language while maintaining the same essential information.

Revised Text for a General Audience

Understanding How Disputes Are Handled

When it comes down to resolving disagreements concerning the use of our services or products, here's what you need to know:

Primarily, we aim to settle any issues amicably. However, if we can't find a solution that satisfies both parties, here's our approach — as long as it's in line with the laws of your area:

  • Arbitration Process: Any disputes related to our terms, services, or products will be addressed through a formal arbitration process, not in court. This means that an arbitrator (a neutral third party) will review the disagreement under the rules of the Commercial Arbitration Act in British Columbia. This process is managed by the British Columbia International Commercial Arbitration Centre and follows a specific set of streamlined rules to make things quicker.
  • Location and Costs: The arbitration will occur in Vancouver, British Columbia. The administrative fees and arbitration expenses are shared equally between you and us unless your claim is deemed frivolous (without serious purpose or value). If that happens, the party making the frivolous claim will be responsible for all related expenses. Each party must cover their legal fees, except in the scenario above.
  • Class Action Waiver: You won't be able to bring claims against us as part of a class action or any other collective lawsuit. The arbitrator cannot merge different people's disputes into one or oversee joint or class actions.
  • Confidentiality: Everything discussed or revealed during arbitration stays confidential. This includes any proprietary or business-sensitive information unless agreed otherwise in writing.

If arbitration isn't feasible in specific scenarios, as determined by applicable laws, the jurisdiction for resolving disputes defaults to courts in Vancouver, British Columbia. Here, the local laws of British Columbia and applicable federal laws of the USA will guide the proceedings.

Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights

If there's unauthorized use of the products authored by individuals we represent, we are authorized to enforce their intellectual property rights. By using these products, you acknowledge our role in potentially representing these authors in any related discussions or proceedings.

When Terms Are Violated

Should you not adhere to these or any specific License terms linked to our products, we reserve the right to take one or several actions. These include issuing a warning, engaging in informal discussions, opting for arbitration as described above, or taking the matter to the courts in Vancouver, British Columbia, or a jurisdiction relevant to the infringement or where you have assets.

We're committed to ensuring a smooth and respectful resolution process and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Account Management

We hold the authority to terminate, suspend, or limit your account and service usage without prior notice or liability under certain conditions, including but not limited to breaches of our Terms of Use, legal infractions, inappropriate conduct, or excessive burdens on our network and servers. We may also implement technological measures to manage platform load, and we expect these limitations to be respected.

Custom Service Project Opportunities

Shirtsmockup also allows members to commission custom jobs via a Custom Service Project, including mockups or PNG images. Depending on the membership level, these custom projects may qualify for additional discounts, although the discount rate is subject to change.

Members interested in a Custom Service Project should provide a detailed brief outlining the project scope, intended use, and any other information Shirtsmockup may require. Following the submission, we may contact you for further details. After clarifying the project requirements, we will offer a quoted price and expected completion timeline.

Pricing for Custom Service Projects reflects their complexity, with some standard rates available on our website and custom quotes provided upon project brief acceptance.

Members have full autonomy to accept or decline the quoted Custom Service Project. If accepted, members must pre-pay the total quoted amount to Shirtsmockup, which includes any applicable taxes. Shirtsmockup will hold these funds on behalf of the involved parties until project completion. No work will begin until payment is confirmed. Acknowledging the contractual relationship between the Member and the project author(s) is crucial, excluding Shirtsmockup. Upon satisfactory completion of the custom job, Shirtsmockup will release payments to the Author (s), who receive a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to showcase the completed work, attributed correctly, in their portfolio.


Refund Policy

Welcome to our digital product platform's refund policy. We understand the importance of satisfaction and trust in purchasing digital products and strive to ensure our policy is both fair and transparent.

Final Sales Policy: All sales are considered final. Given the unique nature of digital products, refunds are generally unavailable except when the Product delivered significantly differs from its advertised preview. We encourage you to carefully review the product previews and descriptions to ensure they meet your needs and expectations before purchasing.

Seeking a Refund: If you believe your purchase qualifies for a refund under our policy exception, please get in touch with us directly at[email protected]rather than initiating a dispute with your payment provider. Disputing a charge with your payment provider will temporarily suspend your account while resolving the conflict. We aim to work directly with you to quickly address and resolve your concerns.

Pricing Changes: Our prices are subject to change without advance notice, and we do not offer price protection or refunds in the event of a price reduction or promotional offering after your purchase.

Use of Credits: Any credits remaining in your account are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash. This includes scenarios where you choose to close your account or if we must terminate your account due to policy violations.

License to Use Digital Products

Eligibility: You are eligible to download and use our digital products if:

  • You hold an active membership.
  • You have purchased the appropriate license for the Product (s).

License Agreement: When purchasing a digital product from us, you acquire a license to use the product subject to the terms of the accompanying license agreement. It's important to understand that you are not buying the Product or any associated intellectual property rights; you are obtaining a limited right to use it by the license terms. We encourage you to review these terms carefully before completing your purchase.

Intellectual Property: The intellectual property of digital products belongs to the creators of these products. Our Platform acts as an intermediary, facilitating transactions and granting licenses on behalf of the creators. In cases where we own the intellectual property of a product, we serve as the licensor directly.

Product Use in Promotions: Some products may be tagged explicitly for editorial use only and include additional usage terms. Products used in contests and promotions must have the express written consent of shirtsmockup. Using our products in these contexts grants Shirtsmockup a non-exclusive, royalty-free, limitless, and worldwide license to use these products as part of the contest or promotion.

Derivative Works: You are welcome to create and use derivative works from our digital products for various applications, including but not limited to website illustrations, marketing materials, and advertising campaigns. However, any products created cannot be sold or offer value derived primarily from the original work.

Thank you for choosing our Platform for your digital product needs. Your satisfaction and trust are paramount to us, and we're here to support your success. If you have any questions regarding this policy or the use of our products, please feel free to contact us.

Simplified Terms for Using Mockups

We're excited to see the creative ways you'll utilize our mockups. Here's a straightforward guide to help you understand how to use them.

How You Can Use the Mockups:

  • Feel Free to Customize: You're welcome to edit our mockups and use your customized versions for various purposes like websites, marketing content, competitions, and promotional videos. This could be for your projects, highlighting a business, or a cause you're passionate about.
  • Keep it Classy: Make sure your work with our mockups doesn't end up in anything offensive or illegal. That means steering clear of pornographic, harmful, or deceitful content.
  • No Need to Name-drop: If you use our mockups in your projects, you don't have to credit the original artist, but make sure what you're doing aligns with our licensing agreement.

What You Shouldn't Do:

  • Don't Sell Them as Your Main Offering: Your creative projects that include our mockups shouldn't be sold as primary products.
  • Respect Copyrights: Don't remove or tamper with copyright notices on our mockups. And yes, this includes trying clever workarounds with technology.
  • Please stick to the License Agreement: When you download a mockup, you must accept its specific license terms. These terms enable you to use the mockup but within certain limits. If there's a conflict between these simplified terms and the detailed license, the explicit license takes precedence.

A Word on Licenses:

We have two types of licenses for our mockups: Standard and Enhanced.

  • Standard vs. Enhanced: While both allow you to transform and use the mockups for personal or business projects, they have differences in usage rights, project budgets, print volumes, and support levels. Check out the complete comparison  
  • No Redistribution: You can't distribute the actual mockups or your modified versions in a way that competes with us or affects our Platform's offerings.

Why These Terms Matter:

Even if the law in your area says differently, these rules are in place to ensure a fair and respectful environment for all users and creators. By accessing our Platform, you agree to these terms, which will help us continue offering diverse and high-quality mockups to all our users.

Thanks for choosing to use our mockups! We can't wait to see what you'll create.


Uploading Your Creations

To share your designs, ensure you're a registered member. If you are teaming your products with Shirtsmockup, you agree to adhere to the terms in this section, which remain active until termination by either party. If you wish to discontinue at any time, please refer to our "Term and Termination" process. Remember, the foundational terms (parts A and B) apply even if you're not actively uploading.

License Acquisition

For clarity, obtaining a license for free products from our Platform is considered a purchase under these terms.

Exclusive Marketing Rights

By joining our Platform, you're appointing us as your exclusive marketer. This means we're your go-to agent for showcasing your products to potential customers globally and managing license transactions on your behalf.

In more technical terms, you're giving us a comprehensive, worldwide license to use, modify, and transform your products to showcase and sell to interested buyers. What's crucial here is this relationship is exclusive—meaning you agree not to offer or license your products through anyone but us.

Don't fret; you always have control over your creations. You can remove some or all of your products from our Platform anytime. Please remember that previously granted licenses to our members or us will remain active, continuing under their original terms.

Lastly, we might also use your products or your name to promote our Platform beyond just displaying and licensing your work. This could include marketing efforts or sales promotions to attract more people to discover and license your creations.

Remember, at any time, you can withdraw your work from our Platform—excluding specific types like Mockups or PNG Images—which must remain as per our initial Agreement. Any modification you wish to make to the licensing terms after joining won't affect existing agreements with members who've already purchased your Product.

We're here to ensure your creations find a home and an audience that appreciates them while respecting your rights and intentions as a creator. Thank you for choosing to share your creativity with our community.

Overview of Potential and Current Affiliates:

If you want to earn commissions by bringing new customers to our Platform, here's what you need to know. These guidelines are in addition to our general terms but are specifically tailored for our Affiliates.

Becoming an Affiliate:

  • Eligibility: To join our Affiliate Program, you must first be a registered platform member. This section governs your affiliate activity alongside our overarching terms of service.
  • Application: You can apply to become an Affiliate through our designated program page. We reserve the right to approve or deny applications at our discretion.
  • Affiliate Link: Upon approval, you'll receive a unique link to track new members you refer. This link can be found on each product page when logged in.

Earning Commissions:

  • How it Works: If someone signs up through your referral link and makes a purchase (either a product or a membership), you'll earn a commission for their purchase—and any other purchases they make—for the next 12 months.
  • Please note that commissions are subject to deductions such as taxes and fees.
  • Exclusions: Current members who use your link will not count as your referrals. Also, purchases made with credits won't earn you any commissions.

Tracking Referrals:

  • Using Cookies: We track referrals using cookies, valid for 14 days after someone clicks your link. If a referral doesn't enable cookies or deletes them before signing up, we can't track the sale back to you; therefore, you won't earn a commission.
  • Expiration: If the cookie expires or is deleted before the individual registers and makes a purchase, you won't be eligible for a commission.

Key Takeaways:

  • Your participation as an Affiliate is contingent upon agreeing to and abiding by these added terms.
  • Earning commissions is tied to new members signing up through your specific link and making a qualifying purchase.
  • The tracking of these referrals relies on the use of cookies, which have a limited lifespan.

Should these terms no longer suit you, you can terminate your Affiliate account anytime. However, remember that the primary terms of service will still apply.

We're excited to have you onboard and look forward to a fruitful partnership! Should you have any questions or need clarification, don't hesitate to contact The Rubenstein Group directly.

Simplified Affiliate Payment Terms

Getting Paid for Referrals

Joining our affiliate program means you'll earn money whenever someone you refer makes a purchase, including Products and Golden Ticket Memberships, within their first year. It's our job to handle the payments from your referrals, and we'll add your earnings directly to your account statement, which is called Affiliate Earnings. These earnings are calculated as a percentage of your referrals spent on our Platform throughout the year, starting from their first purchase. Remember that we may adjust your earnings for any taxes, fees, or refunds.

What You Will Receive

Only the money you make from your Affiliate Earnings is yours to keep. Any funds you've spent or deposited with us as a Member are not part of your referral earnings.

Cashing Out

We have set a minimum amount your earnings need to reach before you can withdraw them. This minimum threshold is visible in your account. You can ask us to hold off on your earnings until you can cash out. Unless you instruct us otherwise, we aim to pay you on the 15th day of the month after you request a withdrawal. This includes any royalties, allotments, or commissions you are owed. Payments can take a few days to process, and you must give us accurate payment details to avoid delays.

If Payment Issues Arise

Suppose we can't pay you due to incorrect payment details and the inability to contact you. In that case, you haven't asked for payment or legal/banking restrictions; we'll keep holding your earnings safely until everything is sorted out.

Currency and Conversion Fees

We pay out Affiliate Earnings in U.S. dollars. It's up to you to handle or cover any fees related to converting that money into your preferred currency, which your bank might charge.

Refunds and Chargebacks

If your referral's payment is refunded or charged back, it won't count toward your Affiliate Earnings.

What Not To Do

To maintain a healthy affiliate relationship, avoid these actions:

  • Misrepresenting your site as being part of or endorsed by our brand
  • Misusing our trademarks or copying our site's look without permission
  • Buying domains or ads that use our name without consent
  • Copying our item descriptions or images without the Agreement
  • Spamming people
  • Violating laws or our Terms of Use
  • Misleading or confusing users
  • Engaging in unfair practices

Our Promise and Your Conduct

We expect all affiliates to follow laws and our guidelines. If an affiliate does not adhere to these, we might hold earnings or deactivate the account. Feel free to contact us with issues or for improvements – we're here to help!

This summary is meant to clarify how you can earn and manage your affiliate payments. We're excited to have you onboard and look forward to a prosperous partnership!

